Mannings Group

We spoke to Breda Corrigan, the CIO at Mannings Group. Mannings is a construction contractor and a design build partner with a reputation for delivering value engineering and fast-track projects since 1975.

Breda’s role at Mannings as CIO is to essentially digitalize the company, turning them from a paper-based operation to a fully-fledged digital company, and with this they needed the right connectivity solution to bring them up to speed in a modern digital first world.

How did you hear about Magnet+?

I’ve known about Magnet+ for several years, previously when they were Magnet Networks, both within my current industry and more broadly, and have only ever heard good things. When looking for a connectivity provider at Mannings the word-of-mouth reviews I had heard previously and my own experience were always positive, so I decided to reach out and see if they could help.

Why did you choose Magnet+?

I chose Magnet+ because they offered all the services that I needed. With our current multi-site offer, as well as onsite connectivity, they can offer a variety of solutions seamlessly. I can call a member of staff at any point too, whether that be my Account Manager, Darragh, or Ross my Project Manager, and they are always there to ensure everything is running smoothly.

How have the staff been that you have worked with at Magnet+?

I have always had wonderful experiences with the staff at Magnet+. Whenever I need something, I can always just pick up the phone and they are always ready to answer any questions you have, look at any problems and are all very solutions driven.

Whether you are raising a ticket with the support staff or if you have any additional needs for your products there’s always a positive attitude towards your situation. Most importantly, you always feel like the people you deal with are positive and ultimately happy in their jobs, which makes a big difference!

What benefits has Mannings experienced since implementing Magnet+ services?

I think the biggest benefit that I have seen with the Magnet+ services are having one point of contact when you need them, the customer service that I mentioned previously, and the predictability on all of the bills. I have one vendor, instead of the multiple suppliers that I had previously, and having one bill to pay makes it much easier to manage from a financial perspective.

What has impressed you most about Magnet+?

Aside from the products, all the staff that you speak to have a positive attitude, it really sounds like a good place to work and that comes through in the service you receive. I always find that if the company that you are working from is positive, then you’ll have a positive attitude towards work too, and the customer.

If you had to give Magnet+ a rating out of 5, what would it be and why?

If I was to give Magnet+ a rating, I would give them 5 stars. It’s good organization, it’s a good service and I haven’t had any issues with not being able to speak to a human being. When reaching out about issues, the fact that you are not doing this through a bot like other companies really is refreshing. When it comes to any issues, being able to have a conversation with a human is what I really like about the service!

Products used

Magnet Dedicated Internet Access
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Magnet Talk Prime
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